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Description of time from Atom to the life of Lord Brahma

Description of time from Atom to the life of Lord Brahma

Paramanu (Atom) -->Ultimate indivisible particle of material manifestation

Param Mahan -->Unmanifest aggregate of Atoms (Complete Manifestation)

Atomic Time -->Time required for the sun to pass an Atom or time taken to pierce a lotus through a needle

Greater Time (Brahma's life) -->Time required to cover the unmanifest aggregate of Atoms

Trasarenu   --> Two paramaanus make an anu. Three anus make a trasarenu, which is perceived by the eye, since if follow the air currents in the rays of the sun entering the window lattice.

One Truti --> The time it takes for the sun to pass over three trasa-renus (3 hexatomes) = 8/13,500 sec

Time, Cosmic Time
Cosmic Time
Divisions of Time
Human Time
1 truti
Time to the integration of 3 trasarenus (hexatoms)
8/13500 sec (1/1687.5 sec)
1 vedha
100 trutis
8/135 sec
1 lava
3 vedhas
1 nimesa
3 lavas
8/15 sec
1 ksana
3 nimesas
8/5 sec
1 kaasthaa
5 ksanas
8 sec
1 laghu
15 kaasthaas
2 min or 120 sec
1 naadikaa or danda
15 laghus
30 min (sometimes 24 min)
1 muhurta
2 dandas
60 minutes (sometimes 48 min)
1 prahara= 1/4th of a day or night
6 or 7 dandas
3 hours
Yama= 1 day or night
4 praharas
12 hours
1 Fortnight
15 days + nights
Half month
1 month
2 fortnights (white & black)
1 night and day of Pita planets
1 Season
2 months
One sixth of a year
1 movement of sun from south to north or north to south
1 day or night of the demigods
6 months (uttarayana & daksinayana)
1 calender year
1 day and night of the demigods
2 solar movements (uttarayana & daksinayana)
Duration of human life
100 days of demigods
100 human years
1 year of demigods
360 days of demigods
360 human years
1 Satya Yuga
4,800 demigod years
1,728,000 human years
1 Treta Yuga
3,600 demigod years
1,296,000 human years
1 Dvapara Yuga
2,400 demigod years
864,000 human years
1 Kali Yuga
1,200 demigod years
432,000 human years
1 Divya Yuga (S+T+D+K)
12,000 demigod years
4,320,000 human years
1 Day or Night of Brahma
14 Manus & Demigods
1000 Divya Yugas
1 Manu's Life
71 Divya Yugas = 852,000 demigod years
306.72 million human years
1 Day of Brahma = 1 Night of Brahma
12 million demigod years
4.32 billion human years
1 Brahma's Life= HIs 100 years
864 billion demigod years
311.04 trillion human years
1 nimesa of Supreme Lord
Brahma's 100 years
311.04 trillion human years
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